Archive for Uncategorized

Happy St Andrews Day and NEW BLOG

Hello everybody,

please start following the new blog here:

and happy St Andrews day.

Let’s celebrate all things Scottish and the lovely town of St Andrews today.

Here is a painting I painted a few years ago when I lived in St Andrews.

You can find a print of this painting here:

This Creative Bliss Shop:

I have to admit, I miss Scotland, it is a beautiful country and definitely worth a visit.

And to reminisce a bit I also created an Etsy treasury with some items that celebrate Scotland.

not only from Scottish and UK shops but also American sellers (it won’t get on the Front Page if it only contains items from British shops).

I hope you like it.

Happy St Andrews Day, go have some Haggis and a good Scotch Whiskey if you can.

Nadine xx

Hello everyone,

I have decided to combine the blogs and post about art and quilting but also other crafts and whatever else on the Quilt Blog (which will be renamed appropriately soon):

So please come find me there and I will keep you up to date on my artwork and exhibitions. I am currently working on some black and white drawings. So come to the blog and take a look.

Lots of love,

Shop coming soon

Hello everybody,

sorry for neglecting you so, but I have been busy with lots of other things (and work of course) but if you’re interested check out for other crafty pursuits and the Quilted Bliss shop on Etsy:

I have been trying to figure out how to sell some artwork without selling originals, because I have always had a hard time giving themm away, they are unique and when they’re gone they’re gone. So I have decided to open another Etsy shop for the artwork and I have researched giclee printing and will invest in a good A3 printer to make my own prints and have control over sizes and output. But until then I have decided to have postcards and stickers of the artwork printed and I am very happy with the results. Here is a sneak preview, I’ll post more soon and think about the shop design in the meantime.

I hope you like them.

Nadine xx

In the exhibition

… and here is my painting again, in the gallery.

Check it out on the Arts Factory blog.


Arts Factory Open Exhibition 2011

My painting was accepted to be exhibited at the Arts Factory Open Exhibition 2011 with the theme

“Endings and Beginnings”

between Saturday 5 February and Wednesday 23rd February 2011.

Check out their website. They have a lot of amazing events on.

Painting carrier

If you can’t buy what you need you’ll have to make it yourself.

Since scrapping my car a few months back because it was too old and not used very often I have to carry my paintings around and especially the larger paintings are impossible to carry comfortably. So I decided to make myself a painting carrier bag after my only large plastic bag big and sturdy enough for the framed paintings was lost at the gallery. I looked for ages trying to find a proper painting carrier, or a large portfolio. But most portfolios on sale are A2 sized and too small. If I could find A0 sized portfolios at all (online) they would normally cost around 80 pounds.

So I decided to make a carrier using black and natural linen, which I quilted to keep it from being too uneven. And I used velcro to keep the top opening fastened.

It’s not pretty, but it will do.


Bar Lane Studios

We are so lucky to live in a vibrant city with so many like-minded people who are interested in arts and crafts, who organize get-togethers, workshops and exhibitions. No I am not talking about London, or Edinburgh. Our own York seems to be a hub for all sorts of creative people, who work in different arts and crafts and design, digital and traditional. I feel lucky to live here.

… and now  even luckier. With the opening of Bar Lane Studios York’s creative people get a new outlet and space for exchanging ideas and sharing their work, a space which is not led by commercial interests but instead is publicly funded and as a social enterprise it has the public’s interests at heart.

How exciting to be a part of that. (and may I just add that there are 2 of my own paintings that can be seen in these pictures taken in the café) – no I am not bragging, am just so excited to see them in the gallery next to so many extraordinary pieces of art. Yes, I am a big fan of group shows, more so than solo shows. The more variety the better, if you ask me.

So pack your loved ones and go have a coffee in the café, or take a look at the exhibitions that are hosted in the main gallery, or even better, sign up for a workshop or an art course. There is lots on offer (jewellery making, painting, drawing and even digital art).

And if you really want to be creative, you could rent one of the artist studios or workspaces.

So if there is something you always wanted to explore or you had this interest in art but you never quite knew what to do with it, this is the chance to try it out.

Might see you all there.

Love, Nadine

Moo cards

my new business cards have arrived and I am so chuffed I want to share them with everyone. That’s the idea, isn’t it? So be warned, if I see you in person you’ll get one if you want it or not.

I had both regular and mini cards made at and can really recommend their service.

The front refers to the paintings and the art blog and the back is about the quilting.

I am very happy with how they turned out.

and the mini cards including mini card holder

Brighter Smudges on your Screen

Hello everybody,

welcome to my art blog which is filled with smudges of bright colour and all sort of arty things, musing and creations. You will find blogposts on new paintings and doodles and drawings.

If you are interested in stalking me a bit further feel free to check out the old art website at or my other blog called “Creations of a Cluttered Mind” which will introduce you to all sorts of other crafty and arty pursuits (especially quilts) or ramblings of any sort

I hope you’ll enjoy these pages and please feel free to contact me at with any questions or leave a comment on the blog. I’d love to hear from you.

Now let’s make something.

Lots of Love.
